The most elegant combination of
intarsia and leather in a game of skills
Easy, luxury fun for your family & friends
The best playing experience in the form of high-quality wood, intarsia, and leather. There is ONLY 1 in the world from each pattern, that’s what makes them so out-standing.
You’ll love it too
We splurged on the elite board and do not regret it. The board is beautiful, well-made and we're enjoying regular crokinole games with the family. It's also an art piece on the wall when we're not playing and we love it!
Rules are simple
Watch the rules in only 3 minutes!
Also, easy-peasy lemon squeezy to teach all of your friends and family.
Get your luxurious joy
Your set contains a Tournamnet-sized board in your favorite intarsia pattern and leather ditch, plus everything you need for the best Crokinole experience.
Lasts for at least 97 years… we guarantee
Handcrafted premium quality, guaranteed fun for decades for you to spread joy.